Lent and Easter 2025

For full information about all that is on offer in the parish during Lent and Holy Week 2025, download the leaflet here:

Ash Wednesday

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March 2025. Mass Times, with the distribution of ashes, are:

9.30am at St Peter’s School, Dorset Avenue

12.15pm in church

7.00pm in church

Fridays in Lent

This year Lenten Fridays include opportunities to create an oasis of prayer within your week.

08.15 Mass at St Peter’s school – all are welcome

5.00pm – 6.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in church, with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, followed by Stations of the Cross from 6.00 – 6.40pm. The Stations are led by a different parish group each week – have a look at the Lenten leaflet for more details.

Charitable giving

This year the parish are supporting Lepra, whose sole focus is on treating and curing those with leprosy. You may well think that leprosy is a disease eradicated hundreds of years ago, but sadly this is not the case. Today 500 people will be diagnosed with leprosy; 28 of them are children. One of the effects of leprosy is great damage to the nerve ends in feet, which can cause deformities and make it very hard to walk. In a year dedicated to pilgrims of hope we are aiming to raise £1300 which will provide 200 pairs of specialist shoes, to help leprosy sufferers to walk as comfortably as possible. For more information have a look at the Lenten leaflet or visit http://www.lepra.org.uk

The Lenten Lunches have been a feature of parish life for many years. This year each Saturday from 12-2 a dedicated team will prepare a simple lunch; soup, a ploughman’s and a “special”; funds raised will support Lepra, and there will also be a weekly raffle supporting a different charity each week. Everyone is very warmly welcome – just come to the parish centre any time from 12-2.

For many more Lenten resources have a look at the dedicated page on the Caritas Diocese of Brentwood website: https://www.caritasbrentwood.org/lent/

Holy Week and Easter

All are welcome to our Holy Week Masses

Holy Thursday

Thursday 17th April        

*7pm             Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until 10.00pm

Good Friday

Friday 18th April             

10am              Discovering Holy Week for primary school age children

11.30am          Prayer with town centre churches, Market Place

*3pm             Service of the Passion of the Lord

7pm – 8pm   Church open for private prayer by the cross

Easter Weekend

Saturday 19th April         

7.30pm-10pm         Easter Vigil, with music led by the choir

Sunday 20th April            

8am              Dawn Mass for Easter – quiet, joyful and prayerful

*9.30am        Family Mass, with music led by young adults

11.30am        Mass with music led by the choir

*Livestream: Holy Thursday 7pm, Good Friday 3pm and Easter Sunday 9.30am. Click here for the Livestream.