Ideas and opportunities for Advent 2024
It may already have felt like Advent for several weeks, with decorations in the shops since October. But the Church is wise in giving us four weeks to deeply prepare; long enough to be purposeful, to reflect and to build expectation – but not too long! We know that Christmas can come with very mixed emotions for many, tied to family troubles, bereavement, loneliness or hardship. In the “Advent Opportunities” leaflet, you’ll see how our preparation can also bring help and hope to others this Christmas. There are prayerful opportunities, times of music and joy, and much more. The birth of Jesus defines our faith and human history – let this truth infuse your Advent. May your preparation for Christmas be blessed, peaceful and full of hope. Fr Dominic
Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December
5.00pm Mass especially for young children (Primary School age) and families. Youth Band lead the music.
For this Mass younger children are especially invited to come dressed as shepherds or angels
7.00pm Mass for all – an additional Mass for Christmas Eve. Youth Band lead the music.
10.00pm (9.30pm Carols) Mass for all, in the beautiful stillness of Christmas Eve. Choir lead the music.
This Mass is Livestreamed from just before 10pm. Click here to go to our Livestream channel.
Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December
9.30am Mass for all in the radiant joy of Christmas morning. Youth Band lead the music.
This Mass is Livestreamed from just before 9.30am. Click here to go to our Livestream channel.
11.30am Mass for all in the radiant joy of Christmas morning. Choir lead the music.
“Gifts under the tree” at Christmas
Donations can be left under the little Christmas Tree all through Advent . You can also bring toiletries, toys or chocolates to all Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; during Mass there will be a moment to place these gifts under the Christmas tree. They will then be given to the women’s refuge, and to families where times are hard.
Please do not wrap gifts but simply leave them unwrapped, or in gift bags.